Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What the heck is a BugfishSoup?
A: “Bugfish” is one of the nicknames of the Atlantic Menhaden. It is also one of the nicknames of Nat Pike, who makes this music. See? “Nat” sounds like a bug, and “Pike” sounds like a fish. Get it? Har har! He then releases the music as the artist “BugfishSoup”.
Q: Hey, isn’t there a musician from Australia named Nat Pike? Is that you, or are you related?
A: Nope, that Nat Pike and this one are not the same person at all. And as far as I know, we aren’t related either. Going by “BugfishSoup” will hopefully keep people from getting too confused. But it is an interesting coincidence that we are both solo music artists. His website is HERE.
Q: How long have you been making music?
A: I could sing I’ve Been Working On The Railroad before I could talk, and began making up songs before a time that I can remember. I started recording songs as a kid with a couple of tape recorders, but it wasn’t until I started acquiring equipment made for music production that I wound up with anything palatable by anyone other than myself and close friends.
Q: Are these questions really frequently asked, or are you making them up?
A: I knew you were going to ask that. I’m making them up.
Q: What’s going on here? You’ve got songs about Happy Bananas, unrequited love, not-unrequited love, and Unix-based operating systems. It’s hard to tell when you’re kidding and when you’re not.
A: Yep, that about sums it up.
Q: How do I contact this bugfish guy, especially if I want to give him money for something other than streaming or mp3 stores?
A: You can send an electronic mail communication to ‘bugfish’ at this domain.
Q: What weighs more: A pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
A: It doesn’t matter, they both taste like crap.